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mental growth造句

"mental growth"是什么意思  
  • The author employs some post ? modern writing techniques to reveal the mental growth of charles in an open and progressive way
  • Mental education is a fire - new educational idea and form which aims at enhancing students " mental growth . it is a kind of developmental and happy education which stink human nature
  • Under the guide of cooperative learning , we combine experiment with action , combine the characteristics of junior biology , physical and mental growth of junior students with the advantage of traditional education . this study invented the teaching pattern of 3 parts , 8 steps to organize the teaching experiment , which reflects subjective teaching and training of cooperative skills and promotes students to develop in an all - round way
  • It's difficult to see mental growth in a sentence. 用mental growth造句挺难的
如何用mental growth造句,用mental growth造句mental growth in a sentence, 用mental growth造句和mental growth的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。